Report online animal cruelty content here
We strongly discourage people from watching or sharing cruelty content (see our Public Advice page). We know, however, that it can sometimes be difficult to avoid. If you have seen cruelty content on social media, please, first and foremost, report it to the platform - even if you think that they will ignore your report.
We would also like to know about what you have found. Please use the forms below to add to our cruelty content data bank.
Information provided by the public is a valuable part of SMACC’s strategy to combat the proliferation of online animal cruelty content. Please do not email the information to us, but help us to work efficiently by adding your information directly to the database, using the links below.
Please note that we do not collect any information about you - nor are we able to thank you directly for information provided - but we are certainly grateful for your assistance.
Please ensure you also report cruelty content to the platform it is published on. If you report cruelty content to us, we may inform the relevant animal welfare organisations within our coalition if there is action they could take, but due to sheer volume, we are unable to follow up individually on every report. This is why it's vital that you report any cruelty content directly to the platform.