Why is this cruel? | ASK YOURSELF
Many animals display behaviours that are not easily recognisable as distress or discomfort. Additionally, animals placed in certain situations can appear to be novel and 'cute' and unexpected, increasing human interest and engagement. The sad reality for these animals is that, while they appear to be behaving in a certain way or are entertaining for humans, they are actually in deep discomfort, distress or deeply afraid of what is happening to them. With no voice or power to change the situation, this means they suffer unimaginably. It doesn't have to be this way. Animals are still amazing without being at the mercy of social media content.
When we view animals on social streams, we can ask ourselves a few easy questions and take appropriate action:
Should this animal be a pet?
Is this a wild animal?
Can the animal leave?
Is this a social animal?
What happens when the animal grows up?
Do good intentions matter?
Does the animal seem to engage in unnatural behaviours?